Dick Sakowicz

Palm Springs – Modernism’s Giant Showcase

Palm Springs is no stranger to the pages of the New York Times. Once again our star shines in its  pages. The article is entitled Palm Springs Modernism’s Giant Showcase, suggesting that the city itself is the showcase for the show and for the entire Palm Springs Modernism Week. The  event began 14 years ago to celebrate Modernism and is running this year February 13-23.

The opening weekend is kicking off with several venues including the Show and Sale in the Palm Springs Convention Center, offering objects of art such as steel sculptures such as one by Paul Kasper, lithographs and paintings, furniture, jewelry, pottery and more. Well-known dealers take this opportunity to use Palm Springs as a “giant exhibit backdrop” of their wares. What could be better, while so many aficionados are in town! As certain Palm Springs’ neighborhoods, when taken together, provide several thousand stellar example homes, the weekend consists of many events focusing on these houses. You can take a double decker bus tour, visit Open Houses and attend other events in these iconic houses, many of which once served as the “two hours away” getaway destinations for the Hollywood Elite.

To learn more about the show, go to the NYT article Modernism’s Giant Showcase and for the entire event to Modernism Week.


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